About Me

This is one of the toughest parts: writing about oneself.  Yet, it becomes an essentiality if you expect your reader to connect with you, and vice-versa. Since it’s going to be a while before you’ll be finished with it, I would suggest you to sit back, relax, order a cup of tea, and place another log in the fireplace.

I am a Piscean, born in the year of 1991.  Born and brought up in the east end of India’s capital city, and having studied in the same school for all my life, my experiences would have been limited and confined and I would have been ‘happy’. However it wasn’t to be so.

Doctors as parents, and a younger brother as sibling, my life has, as such, been as bumpy as a normal teenager would have. From friendship to enmity, and from lies and perfidy to having another first crush, 
I have experienced the life my dad had expected, and warned me about.

Studying Medicine in a State College and having Theatre and Guitar as a hobby, I am not left with much time to pursue my other interests.  Of which writing, reading, and photography are on the priority.

To make you understand why I am writing on such unconventional and outlandish topics, I’ll have to take you back in time. I have always been a kind of thinker. It was kind of a hobby to me. I would sit in class and think, while the teacher would be teaching. I wasn’t a dreamer. It was different. If I had read a novel the other day, then I would think about an alternative ending, or write about how the protagonist would have felt, etc. Philosophy and Scriptures always interested me.

And as I grew up, I actually started making my own conclusions. Like why people were unhappy. Why people pretend and lie, etc. But when shared with my friends, they were perceived as too far fetched to be true, or to even have any merit in them. And eventually I accepted that I simply analyze too much and there is no point in recording them, as no one will understand them. Cliché? Believe me it isn’t so.

However, there occurred some changes, which completely redefined me. I had graduated from reading kid stuff to some serious books like that of O. Henry and Sir Arthur Doyle. I was introduced to Bands like Pink Floyd and Pearl Jam, who used metaphors and imagery to depict emotions and feelings that people refused to accept.  Further addition of Shakespeare and Alexander pope, and Bob Dylan and Billie Joe Armstrong only aided my progress in realizing that there are people out there who too think like I do.

With movies like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and 500 Days of Summers I was sure that my conclusions would be considered of some caliber now.

So this is the genesis of beginning with my online journal. It will take time before I’ll find people who think on the same frequency as mine, but I am assured of this fact that I will. At least this hope will keep me continue to do what I truly love and enjoy to do.

You can also check out my photography blog.

I can be contacted here.
Thank you for reading my Journal,
Setu ‘Se2’ Gupta

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This is a journal chronicling the conclusions arrived on, by an Over-Analytical/Hyper-Critical boy, as he embarks on a journey into oblivion, attempts to make sense of the Universe around him, struggles to decipher Emotions, and quarrels with G.O.D, all of this in the hope of eventually stumbling upon....erm....upon something...!

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